Thursday, January 16, 2014

Super Easy Kale Chips Recipe

Look at me, a regular blogger these days!  Well that's only because I have a lot to say and time to say it, which was sorely lacking last year.

First things first.  Last night I decided to try my hand at kale chips and a smoked salmon quiche. I pretty much did the same thing I did with the last quiche only with better evaporated milk (Carnation, not store brand).  I bought a smoked salmon fillet that was ready to tastes delicious either way and I was really proud/happy with the results.  The kale chips came out fantastically.  Here's all I used:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Wash the kale and dry thoroughly with paper towels.  Separate the leaves from the thick stem...trash the stem.  Place leaves in a big bowl (not pictured) and spray them liberally with the Pam Olive Oil cooking spray.  Massage them to make sure that the oil gets over every leaf.

Then shake as much of the seasonings on it that you can stand.  Beware, that creole seasoning has a real kick to it.  If you are watching your sodium intake, take it easy. 

Spread the kale out on your baking pan (I used a 16" round pizza pan, not pictured), making sure none of the leaves touch.  Bake for 10 minutes. 

Now here is what I learned from this experience.
1.   Kale chips are good.
2.   Kids love them.
3.   The raw kale tastes great with this olive oil/seasoning combination too.
4.   They do burn easy.  They are supposed to retain their green appearance.  I went overboard a few times
      and turned my dark green kale to olive green (which is burnt) but they still taste darn good. 
5.   They are very fragile.
6.    Did I mention kids love them?  Finally had to put my foot down on the fifth batch which I intended to
       take to work.

In a nutshell, Kale chips are really yummy.  I admit I was dubious when I saw them in the local natural food market last year.  I couldn't imagine them being tasty.  Now that I have tried them I can honestly say I am hooked. and I am too pleased I didn't have to shell out $7.99 - $9.99 a bag.  Kale costs $1.19 a bunch in these parts.  I also have a kale plant (and several broccoli plants) growing on my deck. 


I discovered a website called  Apparently, you make 10 second video clips of you practicing something every day for 100 days.  I chose to do this with my newest aspiration:  learning how to do a pull-up.  Laugh if you must, but I don't feel in the least bit bad I can't do one.  Apparently I am in good company, as 55% of the women in the Marines can't do the required three.  So my goal is to be able to do at least three (preferably more) within 100 days.  I added push-ups for good measure.  First Lady Michelle Obama can really go at those.  Maybe, just maybe, I'll have arms as enviable as hers if I master those too.  I know she can do at least 25...she challenged Jimmy Fallon and Ellen.  Well they challenged her and they both lost miserably.  I will update with my progress daily.  It will be every other day...I did pull-ups today so push-ups tomorrow.

My hubby has me doing them differently to start.  I lay down on the floor at the bar assist machine (that's not the name of it "officially" but it is the machine that helps you do your squat that you can adjust.  I lay down on the floor and attempt to pull myself up.  I do the motion twice and hold for three seconds on the last before slowly lowering myself to the floor.  I did eight reps today.  Those are TOUGH.  I know in another 99 days I'll be laughing at my weakness but for right now I am hurting.

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