Saturday, November 23, 2013

Long Time No Update!

My current novel word count for Nanowrimo:
Novel Word Count: 35,643

 My progress thus far...13,357 words from goal with one week left!  I can do it!  Just because I haven't been updating doesn't mean I haven't been busy.  I've even gotten a bit of crocheting and knitting done as well. 

So I came across the Amigurumi Ninja Challenge in a post in the forums.  So the gist of it is to crochet your own ninja using her pattern that the creator so graciously provided for free until November 30th.  I had been eyeing it for awhile.  Then you are to take an original photo...what I entered was a bit more inventive than this photo.  Then you submit it and she adds it to her Facebook page.  The ninja with the most likes wins some awesome prizes!

Deadline is tonight!  Readers help me out here.  Like my ninjas!

My son always calls the cars with the paint that changes color in the light Maseroya colored.  Since the yarn I used replicated that it seemed to be the perfect name for the ninjas.  I even gave them a story.

Maseroya Ninjas
Siya and Oba, the most advanced of the Maseroya Ninjas, have been tasked with protecting the sacred altar of the great Maseroya master, Mazarine Blue.  The altar holds the secret to their great powers of stealth and mastery of the Ninja arts.  They have hidden it in a secret realm between the spiritual plane and reality.

I simply couldn't pass up a great crochet challenge.  I knit a dog sweater for my coworker's dog.  I've only seen a picture of's a miniature of some type she affectionately calls the "so-ugly-it's-cute" mutt.  I did it in bulky yarn so it worked up in just an evening with minimal sewing (my favorite!).  I'll post a picture if it fits the mutt.

Anywho, on the fitness tip, I have some great news!  On October 25th, I had 17.5 pounds to go to reach my goal.  Now I have 15 pounds to go!  Yep.  Eight weeks in with 20 pounds to lose originally, I've lost 5 pounds!  Slow and steady wins the race.  I've been gushing about this all day.  I'm sure my kids are ready to rip their own ears off.  It just felt so good to see that scale say 160.4.  I haven't stuck to the November challenge as well as I should but it doesn't seem to be affecting my progress at all.  I lost another inch off my abs for a total of two inches lost and one inch off my hips.  I don't really care about the other measurements as much.  My clothes fit better and I feel much better than I used to.  Yay for progress!

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